So I´ve often thought on my mission,
missionaries never can have bad weeks. When we have bad weeks, we get
leaders on our backs asking us why we didn´t work. But this week was
the exception. Here´s what happened... (by the way, I don´t blame my
companion in this story)
So Tuesday
we woke up with a message from our district leader changing our
district meeting to the afternoon. So we started doing all of our
studies. Ten minutes to 11, or ten minutes before finishing everying,
planeamiento, estudio personal, estudio de compaƱerismo, e idioma, our
district leader changes the meeting to Wednesday.
No! What are we supposed to do during siesta entonces? So I helped
Hermana Garbin with her English and washed clothes but that was a big
bummer. We couldn´t even make calls because everyone yells at us for
waking them up.
So Wednesday
morning was district meeting. Then, right before studies during
siesta, Hermana Garbin made arroz con leche. Yum! I ate a nice bowl
and then we studied. We went out at 4:30
to a less active´s house. While we were there I felt something funny
in my stomach. I gave Hermana Garbin "the look" so that she would stop
talking and we could get out of there. In the back of my mind I
thought, I just need fresh air. So we leave and we start walking. All
of a sudden I was in a lot of pain. So we went back to the pench. I
tried sleeping but that wasn´t working. And then I went out to our
kitchen and talked to Hermana Garbin. De repente I threw up. Weird
because I haven´t thrown up really since 5 years ago when I had the flu
and I was home alone. While I was throwing up, Hermana Garbin called
Hermana Giuliani who said it was because I had milk and then went out in
the heat. Who knew? So I spent the rest of the day throwing up.
I woke up and didn´t feel all that well. And then it started coming
out the other end about every 15 minutes. So we stayed inside until our
appointment in the afternoon with Augustina. The member didn´t show up
but it was still a really good lesson. And I bought fruit salad
because it was the only thing that I could get down. Oh and crackers.
I woke up good. We did studies and we were ready to go out when we
noticed our termo tanque was losing water. So we had to call a plummer
and he said it was the building´s problem and he couldn´t do anything
about it. All morning we had to try and fix everything because our
apartment flooded and water was coming out of the walls. And of course
everyone was on vacation. Eventually by lunch time everything was
fixed. A faucet broke upstairs.
Then I felt sick after lunch and we didn´t go out.
But saturday
I was all better and it was time to get to work. A member from another
ward was with us until 5 and we didn´t get any lessons! How can it be?
Oh well, next time. We had a lesson later with Alejandra and the less
active that you met on Christmas.
Sunday we contacted and all our investigators couldn´t let us in so it was a lot of walking.
ya, our week was basically a disaster, but it´s all good now. They´re
fixing the faucet upstairs, we don´t have water in the kitchen and we
have a whole in the wall! I love Argentina! Oh and did I mention that
we didn´t have water Friday
morning and when the water turned on the disaster started? So so
shower... or toilet... with me being sick... We learned our lesson and
now have jugs filled with water just in case.
I´m a happy happy missionary though and it´s the last week of
transfer so miracles! A member in the ward told us yesterday she´s
ready to get along with the sisters (us) again and she´s just the
beginning. The errors of the past sisters are slowly being forgotten!
Weston, we don´t get dinner time, but sometimes we don´t have lunch
appointments so i make it then. Or the banana bread at night instead
of writing in my journal. It´s fast and easy and delicious.
Hermana Borup
Our zone today at pday especial! It´s soooooo hot!
Our investigator gave us a ton of food on saturday. Yikes, it´s getting embarrasing. But we have a plan so that next time she doesn´t give us so much.
Hermana Garbin and the flood. My pictures of the water coming out of the wall didn´t turn out so well, but you can imagine.